Friday, June 24, 2011


I am still around, just trying to move chains as much as possible. The halfway point of the year is almost upon us!

Tanabata is around the corner, and Tara is SO ready!

Quite the assortment of faces here.

Summer has already begun, some ridiculous weather patterns have come through already. Oh, how I wish I was on the beach instead...

[Testing to see if this blog feature will work...]
『閃乱カグラ -少女達の真影-』オフィシャルサイト
[Yeah, just a little excited for this game...]


Johnny Lamonte said...

Glad to here from ya again. The Tara pic is quite cute. And living in someplace like Houston, I was amazed to find out that summer officially JUST started.

Gerardo "Densuo" Santana said...

Here I thought ya dropped off the planet. Summer's fine though, just remember to keep hydrated.

Thats the ONE thing people forget, The heat is nothing so long as you stay drinkin' that water.

Tara's outfit looks awesome.