Monday, October 17, 2011

C12: NYCC 2011 pt. 0

Clockwise from the black guy (that's me, crybringer) in the middle:
Momiji Mao (Mamomiji)
Maiko Kubo
Ryusuke Hamamoto (Ryu Moto)
Randy Au
Bukubu Okawa (Bkub)

Really, this picture says a lot about New York Comic Con this year. It was chaotic, but full of really REALLY REALLY cool people, excellent eats, and just in general one of my favorite places to be -- right in the middle of the chaos. As soon as I get some batteries for my camera, I'll have a full update on NYCC, but this HAD to go up first.

Now, what's Tess & Tara up to, I wonder...

1 comment:

Gerardo "Densuo" Santana said...

it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll be sure to shamelessly plug like I'm already doin.