Monday, January 10, 2011


Hello all! It's yours truly, from his trip overseas to Japan! Yes, the guy in the Ravens skully. That's me.

2010 had it's share of highs and lows, but overall I'd set a modest goal for myself -- to outdo my share of work for 2009 -- and frankly, blew the doors off the hinges!
So, again my resolution is simple: make 2011 a special year, improve on the previous year's successes and make some noteworthy strides this time. Already, the deck is well stacked! Between here and July, lots will be happening, so I invite any and everyone to stay in touch, and to visit my other haunts:

The Demon Mages @ Twitter

1 comment:

Johnny Lamonte said...

Will do man. And Happy New Year to you too!