Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Tess, with a nice halftone coating. Judging from this and the previous R-Type pic, I have a completely simple and reliable toning method now. NOW, I'm excited!!!
(Hahah, hasty comment entry at the last possible moment at work. ERASED.)


Johnny Lamonte said...

Nifty. Like the tone myself as well. I'm not artist but how exactly was this done if i may ask?

Jason C. "Crybringer" Robinson said...

Photoshop trickery. The main problem has been figuring out what image resolution/size will give me the right look of the tones. Otherwise, most of Photoshop's preset features make it easy to apply.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that looks like a true screen-tone from the posted picture. You can actually force photoshop to create true screentones if you want. Or are you just going for a "screentone-like" effect?

Jason C. "Crybringer" Robinson said...

@Snowpuma: More like "I'm doing what I can do with Photoshop 6.0" Whether it makes "true" screentones or not makes no difference to me, as long as the end result is something I can feel confident about. This pic, I consider a success.